Many lifetimes ago, there lived three friends who vowed to climb the snow-capped mountain that they might sit at the feet of the Master who lived there and learn of His Wisdom.
And as they traveled along together, they came upon three separate paths,
all leading to the mountain's crest and to the Teacher of Wisdom.
The first path led straight up the mountain.

It was the shortest way, but it perilously steep and fraught with danger.
The second path twisted and turned up through a narrow rocky canyon;
and the third path encircled the mountain,
ever gently spiralling its climb to the summit.
And after much debate among the three friends as to the proper path to walk
it was decided that they would each go their own way,
for they could not agree.

And after seven days, the one who climbed the straight steep path
arrived exhausted and bleeding from wounds suffered along the way and he sat at the feet of the Master and waited in silence for the arrival of this friends.
And after seven weeks, the second friend, who had traveled the winding canyon path arrived distraught from the confusing stressful journey and he too sat at the Master's feet and waited for the one who had chosen to walk the spiral path around the mountain.

And after seven months the final wayfarer arrived, filled with the light of an inner peace. And as he took his place at the Master's feet, the two that
had come before him became angry that they should wait so long and suffer so much, while his journey had been a blessing of ease and joy.
And again they argued as to which path was the correct way to the
Master of Wisdom and each turned to the Teacher that they might
learn the Truth.

And the Master asked of the first traveler what he had learned
on his chosen journey.
And he who had suffered the most answered
" I learned that Life can be very short and its way hard to endure.
I stumbled and fell along the pathway and suffered the wounds
caused by my own fall; and for every step forward, I paid the price of two. Master, did I choose the correct path to come to You?"
And the Master answered through the tears of Compassion:
"Yes beloved one, your's was the right path to walk."

And then the Master asked of the second traveler
what he had learned on his journey.
And he who had been distraught with confusion answered:
"I learned that the path through Life cannot always be foreseen,
nor will it always lead you in the direction of your own desires.
There were times when I thought that I knew the way, only to find the path had changed its course and it continued to lead me to and fro and from
experience to experience, until I found myself standing in Your Presence.
Master, did I choose the correct path to come to You?"
And the Master answered with the voice of Understanding:
"Yes beloved one, your's was the right path to walk."

And the Master asked of the third traveler
what he had learned on his journey.
And he who was joyous and calm answered:
"I learned that if you walk through Life with Patience as your traveling companion, the journey becomes not a burden to bear
but rather a wonder to behold.
The path is straight and the climb is gentle when
Love is used to light your way.
Master, did I choose the correct path to come to You?"
And the Master answered with the joyous smile of Love:
"Yes beloved one, your's was the right path to walk."

And the three friends bowed their heads in humble reverence,
for at last they knew the Eternal Truth

Copyright © Daniel J Miller 1996
used with permission
The Three Paths
"The Three Paths"
courtesy of and copyright by Daniel J.Miller
The Prophet's Candle  
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